The Q-Box Ultra Quiet is an inline fan that has been built to work quietly under pressure. The backward curved centrifugal motor is a top performer when system pressure is high as a result of more complex duct systems (e.g. multiple bends, long duct lengths and multiple extraction points). With a low profile design, it is perfect for installing in tight spaces and the acoustic internal lining results in ultra-quiet operation.
Internal acoustic lining for ultra-quiet operation
High performance centrifugal motor for better air flow under pressure
Low profile design, ideal in situations where roof space for services is limited
The Q-Box Ultra Quiet fan is to be installed as part of a single or multipoint inline ventilation system. The fan requires wiring along with duct and internal and external grille installation. Backdraft dampers are recommended. Installation by an industry professional is recommended (e.g. electrician or builder). A mounting bracket is included. Fix the fan in a suitable location between the inlet location and discharge location ensuring it is accessible for future maintenance. Note that sharp bends in ducting can interfere with system performance, refer to installation instructions for further information.
Please check product specifications with your tradesperson before ordering.
Periodic inspections and cleaning required to prevent dirt, dust or lint accumulating on fan impeller. Recommend annually by a qualified tradesperson. Fan must be disconnected from power supply (unplug fan plug) before removing motor.
2 year standard warranty applies from date of purchase. Proof of purchase required. Refer to our warranty page for more information